Oneglobe DDIH team

Who is the ONEGLOBE team?

Think about creative and ambitious people, then add passion for new technologies and hospitality and you will get the ONEGLOBE team.

Ghizlane Saadaoui
Ghizlane is our community developer. She is very well-connected with the broader social media world and is able to roll up her sleeves to help implement new online strategies. If you can’t reach her, just knock at her social media laboratory door!

Julia Willard
Julia is the wordsmith of the team. Passionate about words and languages, she is always judging others' grammar and syntax. Not really, of course. She's the go-to girl for text and editing but really isn't the bore that makes her out to be.

Emilie Nicolas
Emilie is mainly in charged of communication within the community development team. As she doesn't impress by her height, she likes to impress with words. Armed with her digital pen nib, she defies white pages and animates blogs, social networks, press releases…